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Dinner party

We were invited to dinner at a friend’s house last night.  There were seven of us all together and I had met all but one of them at least once before.  Last time we played a game called Loaded Questions.  I remember having to make people repeat things again and again when it was my turn to guess who said which answer.

Last night we warmed up with a quick round of Apples to Apples, which I won, even though I was trying NOT to win after I got to 3 of the 5 cards needed.  Someone actually gave me the point for throwing ‘Cabbage’ in as a match for ‘Casual’.  What??  I really like Apples 2 Apples though because you don’t need to hear much at all.

After that we played Trivial Pursuit for hours and hours and finally around 12:45am Don and I won.  If I focused on lipreading the person who asked the question I could usually understand most of it.  Easier than it used to be for sure.  Some of the questions were of course easy and those usually blew by me, asked and answered, before I figured out what had been asked.  The questions that were impossible and got repeated a few times I heard.

I’d like to get together with a group of 6 or so people sometime to see how I do with more random conversation. Games have always provided more enjoyable gatherings than just sitting around talking, but I’m curious to see how I’ll do.



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4 replies on “Dinner party”

  1. Share

    Well the dinner parties you go to sure sound fun 🙂 I played Apples to Apples once, and fount out it is not my thing! It’s fun, I’m just terrible at it. My friends and I absolutely love the game Taboo, which can get pretty noisy, and since it’s timed there’s a fair amount of pressure to hear things the first time. I guess it’d be good for some serious auditory rehab!
    .-= PinkLAM´s last blog ..Use it or Lose it =-.

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      Sara says:

      I think playing games is one of the best times to work on your self-advocating skills, especially if you’re with close friends or family. The goal of playing a game is for everyone to have fun, but hearing can be a big requirement for that, so if you’re missing info you need to speak up and make sure people know that. Hopefully they’ll help you by repeating, writing things down, having someone close to you repeat what was said, or brainstorming other ways to make sure you get all the info needed. Or they may want to try playing another game that’s less sound-intensive. You’ll have to remind them over and over again as each person has a turn to speak, but that’s what self-advocating is all about. It’s good practice and it’ll help them remember to help you out more in the future too.

  2. Share

    Wow. I can imagine how fun-full that party was. I’m sure it is one of the best parties you’ve attended. It is great that you’ve share your experience here.

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