Placeholder image - camera icon. Link toStolen Photos and Copyrighting or The Internet is Not the Wild, Wild West Work Stolen Photos and Copyrighting or The Internet is Not the Wild, Wild West July 15, 2011 A week ago a potential iPad Engraving customer of mine expressed concern at sending me his expensive electronics. He wanted to know if I had a way to reassure him that everything about my company is legit. I was just a tiny bit annoyed, but this has happen before, so I knew what to send […] Number of comments: 2
Placeholder image - camera icon. Link toThis would have totally changed school for me… About Me Hearing This would have totally changed school for me… May 13, 2011 The most difficult part of high school and even college for me was group discussions. I remember in English class when we would break into small groups my group was allowed to go work across the hall where there would be less background noise. It made it easier for me to hear but it was […] Number of comments: 1
Placeholder image - camera icon. Link toGreat customer service without the phone Hearing Great customer service without the phone February 10, 2011 Whenever I write about not using the phone people invariably ask me “can’t you hear on the phone with your CI?” or “Why not use VRS?” Honestly, it’s a habit I fell into years ago and haven’t gotten around to breaking yet because I prefer to be phone-less. That’s just me. Moving on… The curb […] Number of comments: 4
Placeholder image - camera icon. Link toThey’ve caught up! … to where I was Last year. About Me Hearing They’ve caught up! … to where I was Last year. January 20, 2011 In the late 90s when DVD players proliferated the homes of my friends it became possible for me to watch movies with subtitles at the press of a button. Before that you were dependent on them to have a newish TV set (1993) and for the VHS tape to have captions that worked. Netflix made […] Number of comments: 1
Placeholder image - camera icon. Link toCan you read lips? Hearing Can you read lips? January 12, 2011 All hard of hearing and deaf people learn to read lips. Or more accurately, we learn to take advantage of any and all visual cues to understand what we’re hearing. When I was in high school I had speech reading lessons once a week. A Teacher of the Deaf came to my school. She gave […] Number of comments: 3
Placeholder image - camera icon. Link toA year with bilateral cochlear implants Hearing A year with bilateral cochlear implants January 11, 2011 So now it’s 2011. I received my first CI in April 2009 and the second in late December 09 – so I’m officially over a year being bilateral. It’s been great. Life is good and pretty much what I’d call normal. I can hear a lot better in many situations. I find myself having one-on-one […] Number of comments: 2
Placeholder image - camera icon. Link toGizmodo’s iPad Etching Contest and what happened 6 months later… Work Gizmodo’s iPad Etching Contest and what happened 6 months later… November 9, 2010 This post feels very ironic to write. Â I started it on the business site but decided it was too non-businessy to put over there. So I have a laser engraving business. I have two domain names that go to the same place, and The idea for came to me back in March […] Number of comments: 1
Placeholder image - camera icon. Link toI voted. Did you?! Activities I voted. Did you?! November 2, 2010 Number of comments: 0
Placeholder image - camera icon. Link toHow NOT to take care of your customers… Work How NOT to take care of your customers… October 29, 2010 So as a business owner I’m learning a lot about customer service. I may occasionally express my frustration about some of my customers to my very very close friends (hi mom), but I ALWAYS try to do everything in my power to help them have a good experience dealing with me and my businesses. Having […] Number of comments: 4
Placeholder image - camera icon. Link toGarage to Studio Activities Work Garage to Studio September 22, 2010