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Residual hearing post Medel CI

I just had my 6 month mapping and will post about that soon. In the mean-time for those who are curious, here is a comparison of my implanted ear’s audiograms before and after the CI (residual hearing). Hearing With the CI is 15-25 across the board, 250 to 6000 (they don’t test 125 Hz but I can hear that low too).


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8 replies on “Residual hearing post Medel CI”

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    kim says:

    Interesting!! Thanks for posting this. It’s clear the Med-El didn’t change your residual hearing much.

  2. Share

    It’s so interesting how initially, 2 weeks after, it got worse, and then it got better! Must say the human body is pretty amazing… I haven’t ever had an audiogram with my residual hearing post-CI, but I have noticed it getting better, rather than worse. I’d have thought it would be the contrary…
    .-= PinkLAM´s last blog ..I’m Not Laughing. =-.

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      Sara says:

      In my case, at 2 weeks after surgery my implanted ear was still pretty full of fluid – the tympanogram wasn’t normal. They didn’t check the hearing in that ear again until 6 months.

      I was given steroids after surgery to try to prevent swelling and preserve hearing as well. Not sure how much that helped.

      Lastly, my surgeon is part of the MedEl EAS trial for the ‘hybrid’ CI. He used a shorter electrode (M, Medium) for my CI in order to try to preserve the hearing I had below 1000 Hz. He did a good job, I have the same plans for the other ear.

      1. Share

        Just clarifying- were you implanted with the hybrid implant but use the normal processor? Or is the M not considered a hybrid, just shorter? Or am I missing something here..?

        My surgeon is in a hybrid trial with Cochlear, and he has started using some sort of technique to preserve more residual hearing on all of his patients (but with the normal electrode array with non-hybrid patients.) He did it with my second ear, but not my first. I originally had more hearing in my 2nd ear, but after both implants were put in, it seems I have more residual hearing in the first ear that was implanted. Go figure… 😛
        .-= PinkLAM´s last blog ..What my mom has done for me (This is for the parents…) =-.

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          Sara says:

          The M not considered a hybrid, just shorter than the standard Med-El electrode which is longer than the other brands… so the M isn’t much different than the other brands… just more flexible… or something like that.

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    Kumar Singh says:


    I have a cousin who will be implanted with a cochlear implant soon. I have been researching cochlear implants and learned that there are reports of certain cochlear implants being defective. I’ve read that some signs of a defective cochlear implant are: sudden popping sounds or sudden feelings of discomfort. This site has a longer listing of the signs of a defective cochlear implant. Any one experience any popping sounds or discomfort with their cochlear implant?

    1. Share

      Sara says:

      It should be noted that Kumar Singh above is posting from a computer whos IP address resolves to The same site that his link is from. If it’s really your cousin, fine. Otherwise you’re lying to attract people to your law firms website. Pretty sketchy. You should have disclosed that.

  4. Share

    Hi Sara,

    Are you still in EAS trial or have received the latest technology processor? I just had my EAS surgery last October.

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