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Google voice transcript versus email

I like that the NY Times wrote about closed captioning on the web earlier this week.  But I had to laugh at their quote that YouTube “supplies mostly accurate captions using voice-recognition software.”  MOSTLY accurate?  Right. Far from it.  I assume the Google Voice transcripts use similar technology, and usually I would say, they ARE mostly accurate.  But phone is a lot easier than videos.  And sometimes even phone is hardly accurate.

I was waiting for a call-back from a Best Buy business account person… here’s the Google Voice transcript from his call:

Yeah this message is for Sara. Gould, slash on the keep calling the best bet for business and calling in regards to your request for I’ve had at this time to our business channel. We don’t have any access to this model. Yeah, I am going to controls the the in 34 on these units nickel. Fun Center door stores sleeping, we would see would be all the only through the The Store location so I just want to follow up and let you know. I’ll send you an email as well. Thank you. Bye.

I read the last line and decided to wait for the email…

From: McC, Sean <Sean.McC…>
Date: Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 4:18 PM
Subject: iPads

At this time due to constrain issues the iPad is only available through our retail channel.


Which would you rather get?

So far I’ve seen ‘I’ve had’ and ‘my Pants’ for the word iPad(s) :)  But that’s to be expected unless it’s Apple doing the voice recognition programming.



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4 replies on “Google voice transcript versus email”

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    Powers says:

    I turned on YouTube’s auto-captioning once. I don’t think it got a single word right.

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    Janel Kisner says:

    That’s hysterical! I love Google Voice; it’s better than relay because people always hang up and don’t leave messages. And it’s so much fun trying to decipher the transcript! 😉

    1. Share

      Sara says:

      I love Google Voice too 🙂 Very few people leave messages on my relay number either. Sometimes it’s very accurate and sometimes not so much. Sometimes it’s too accurate and I take it for granted and forget that a word might be off.
      .-= Sara´s last blog ..Word Art Metal Engraving =-.

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