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Second (lett) Activation – December 29, 2009

Last night one of the local news weather people was asking on Twitter for favorite memories of 2009. I didn’t write in, but my favorite memory of 2009 was only a few hours old.

My new CI was activated yesterday afternoon and after going through and setting the comfortable volume level on 11 electrodes three or four times (louder each time) it was finally turned on. The robot sing-song monotone voice was back but this time it was speech and not beeping. Don and Carrie sounded exactly the same but after five minutes that had already changed. With just the new ear I feel like I am about two or three weeks ahead of last time. With both sides together I’ve kept my eight months of progress with one CI and added to it. Already.




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1 reply on “Second (lett) Activation – December 29, 2009”

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    For some reason I’m hesitant to go bilateral. Could be me wanting to hold out for better technology, or could be another surgery so soon after my first one. Could be something else. I don’t know.

    Do you recommend going bilateral? Does speech sound clearer with both ears on than with just one CI? How do you feel about it?
    .-= Nabeel´s last blog ..6-month Update =-.

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